==Loading an 8x8 gb tile (2bpp)== Each 8x8 tile has 16 bytes Each row has 2 bytes (16 bits) Convert the bytes to binary (FF = 11111111) The 2nd set of bits (second bitplane) goes on top. Example: In a hex editor, you see AA BB. You'd read it in binary as: bbbbbbbb aaaaaaaa You'll have a palette (4 index) palette[0] = color1 palette[1] = color2 palette[2] = color3 palette[3] = color4 Combine the above values vertically ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba When converting the binary values back into decimal, you'll have your palette index in binary. Example 00101100 11110110 01 01 11 01 10 11 01 00 FINAL: 01 01 03 01 02 03 01 00 Repeat until a full 8x8 tile is assembled. Credits: Lin (For writing), MathOnNapkins (For teaching)